Welcome to my website. Here you will find information on the various project I have for robotics, astronomy, sailing, Holiday display and other misalliances items. You can contact me at:
Misc Projects / Misc Projects
Scope used: HP Agilent 54622D
Connect the Logic Analyzer probes:
LA0 to usb D- (green cable)
LA1 to usb D+ (White Cable)
GND to usb GND
Set the scope to:
Time/Div to 5.0ms/div (This is largest resolution which will capture sufficient data, while being able to see the individual bits).
Trigger to USB (required a firmware update)
Trigger offset to: start with 25ms and increase to 50ms to capture more data.
Use agiload to get data
./agiload-0.0.6/agiload/agiload -d /dev/ttyS0 -s POD1 DATA Dongole -p MAX
:WAV:BYTeorder MSBfirst
:WAV:POINts 2000
When sniffing with USB in linux
Scope used: HP Agilent 54622D
Connect the Logic Analyzer probes:
LA0 to usb D- (green cable)
LA1 to usb D+ (White Cable)
GND to usb GND
Set the scope to:
Time/Div to 5.0ms/div (This is largest resolution which will capture sufficient data, while being able to see the individual bits).
Trigger to USB (required a firmware update)
Trigger offset to: start with 25ms and increase to 50ms to capture more data.
Use agiload to get data
./agiload-0.0.6/agiload/agiload -d /dev/ttyS0 -s POD1 DATA Dongole -p MAX
:WAV:BYTeorder MSBfirst
:WAV:POINts 2000
When sniffing with USB in linux
Scope used: HP Agilent 54622D
Connect the Logic Analyzer probes:
LA0 to usb D- (green cable)
LA1 to usb D+ (White Cable)
GND to usb GND
Set the scope to:
Time/Div to 5.0ms/div (This is largest resolution which will capture sufficient data, while being able to see the individual bits).
Trigger to USB (required a firmware update)
Trigger offset to: start with 25ms and increase to 50ms to capture more data.
Use agiload to get data (/mediaFiles/USB/agiload-0.0.6.tar.gz)
./agiload-0.0.6/agiload/agiload -d /dev/ttyS0 -s POD1 DATA Dongole -p MAX
:WAV:BYTeorder MSBfirst
:WAV:POINts 2000
When sniffing with USB in linux
modprobe usbmon
cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u (for all devices)
cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/1u (for specific devices)
To Parse the data: /mediaFiles/USB/parseUSBData.pl